Asif Nusrat Technology Expert Who Drives Digital Transformation With Cloud, AI, Blockchain & Cyber Security

Meet Asif Nusrat, a seasoned professional with experience in delivering top-quality solutions to various industries, including banking, insurance, healthcare, and education

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In Global News

Domain Expertise

extensive experience in providing technical consulting services for various industries such as banking (investment, trade, cards, and payments), insurance, healthcare, and education

Banking & Finance

unique perspective to help businesses navigate the complex world of financial technology


well-versed in the latest digital solutions and can help healthcare providers adopt them


improve student engagement and outcomes while optimizing their operational efficiencies.


tailored technology solutions that address specific pain points and drive growth

Digital Transformation through Application Development, SaaS Products


Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence


Blockchain Technologies

Cyber Security

Data Security Solutions

Awards and Recognition

Technology Innovation Leader 2023

From EntrepreneurMedia

Recent Blogs & Articles

Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain: A Look at the Hottest Trends in 2023

Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain: A Look at the Hottest Trends in 2023

Blockchain technology has been making waves in the tech world for a few years now, and it shows no signs of stopping. As we look ahead to 2023, here are some trends we can expect to see in the world of blockchain technology. Increased adoption in financial institutions One of the biggest areas where we’re…

Hybrid Cloud Computing: What it is and Why it Matters
cloud computing

Hybrid Cloud Computing: What it is and Why it Matters

Hybrid cloud computing is a modern approach that combines the benefits of both private and public cloud computing. It allows organizations to leverage the advantages of both cloud models while addressing their specific business needs. In this article, we will explore what hybrid cloud computing is, its benefits, and why it matters. What is Hybrid…

Cloud Computing Cost Optimization Strategies: How to Save Money on Cloud Services
cloud computing

Cloud Computing Cost Optimization Strategies: How to Save Money on Cloud Services

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate, providing unparalleled flexibility and scalability. However, with the benefits come the costs, and many organizations struggle to manage their cloud computing expenses. Fortunately, there are several strategies that businesses can employ to optimize their cloud computing costs and save money. In this article, we will explore some…

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